Sunday, May 26, 2019

Fear of immigration

The fear of immigration is explained by Ricardo's Law of Rent, which nobody understands any more. Incomers create a land shortage which tends towards higher rents and drives down wages. This is not a problem if a system of land value taxation (LVT) is in place, because

1. the rising rents become buoyant source of public revenue to pay for infrastructure and services
2. the immigrants add to the stock of wealth being produced.
3. land and premises are always available at competitive rents, so that there is never a shortage of work opportunities or places to live.
Otherwise, immigration becomes a source of conflict, as the newcomers are competing for homes and jobs.

Here is a video which explains Ricardo's Law of Rent.

The EU should have required both Freedom of Movement and LVT. The first without the second is a recipe for failure.

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